1.P G Directory is India’s Number 1 dedicatedPaying Guest Search Engine which facilitates users to find the accommodation with anutmost refined search.
2.P G Directory do not collect payment from customers. We only assist users to find accommodation within their budget with most appropriate filters.
1.P. G. Directory is a trading name of Saturn Infomedia andall payments shall be made in favour of SATURN INFOMEDIApayable at Bangalore.
2. PG Owners are requested to make a phone call to 080 50 463 469 after which you can make payment to the representative or agent.
3. Your P G Listing on our portal is valid for one year after which it needs to be renewed.
4. Your business listing would make your business profile visible on the Search Engine and would generate visitors to your business page.
1.P G Directory have authorized Agents for various regions all over India. You may make payment to any agent after you get confirmation from Head Office from 080 50 463 469.